A worker using some machinery

A net zero industry in Wales — why is it necessary?


Wales, alongside a number of other countries, has made commitments to move to a net zero emissions economy. This is in response to climate science showing that in order to halt climate change, carbon emissions have to stop — reducing them is not sufficient.

‘Net zero’ means that any emissions are balanced by absorbing an equivalent amount from the atmosphere — this is necessary, because for the climate to stabilise, carbon emissions need to fall, on average, to zero.  

With heavy industry responsible for over 50% of Wales’ carbon emissions it is crucial that we support the uptake of low carbon technologies, to continue to produce high value goods & services in Wales.  

If significant changes are not made, the planet’s temperature will continue to rise, worsening the effects of incremental warming that we are already seeing in Wales, including erratic weather patterns — which could eventually leave parts of Wales uninhabitable.  

We need to enable Welsh industry to reduce emissions at a rate that limits global warming whilst developing the infrastructure to minimise reliance on unabated fossil fuels beyond 2050. 

Our goal is to power businesses to deliver change that is not only essential in supporting the energy intensive industries that make Wales thrive, but critical in reaching the Wales’s and the wider UK’s net zero targets.

Want to power your business’ pathway to a greener future? 

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